Saturday, May 23, 2020

Mid Term Short Id Exam - 1220 Words

Mid-Term: Short ID Exam; â€Å"Top Ten† 1. Bronze Age; The Bronze Age was a time when Europe and Asia minor began to transition from the use of stone to bronze ores. It is believed it started sometime in 2300 B.C in parts of Europe. The importance of this period is significant because during this time it shows the improvement of human technology. During this time, bronze is smelted into tools and weapons. The bronze outperformed the stone tools and weapons. It then leads to trading across to the Indus Valley where tools, weapons, jewelry and toys are being made to trade. It then eventually reaches Japan as well. I think this is important because it shows humanity skills to always improve in one way or another in this case taking ores and†¦show more content†¦3. Australopithecus; Also known as the Southern Ape found in the African Savannah. Believed to have been the first hominids or human-like species about 4 million years ago. It is historically significant because it is basically the early if not the first of human beings on Earth. It is important enough to be included in this top ten list because the Southern Ape played a big role in human evolution. They were the first species to show human-like genes, first ones to have increased brain activity which eventually led to Homo-Habilis and then Homo-Sapiens. 4. Insecurity Index; It is a sort of scale that determines the insecurity of an individual. When humans adapt to an environment it is a response to this insecurity we feel about one self. The insecurity that is at hand can be physical or psychological. This is important to be included in my top ten and is significantly important because it is a theme throughout humanity. The Insecurity Index stems from the human ambition to continue to survive no matter the insecurity leading us humans to adapt to what we might believe is threatening or challenging in any environment it gives us our identity or sense of self. 5. Ionian Enlightenment; Known as the Ionian Intellectual Revolution was a time where scientific thinking, explanations and

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